Welcome to Symbiosis Centre for Behavioural Sciences

The study of Human Behaviour is an interplay between one’s thoughts, feeling and actions. A deeper scientific enquiry into how humans act, make decisions, learn and retrieve thoughts and feelings that aid decision making are of pivotal interest to both academia and industry. In recent times behavioural research has led to significant impact leading to both positive and negative outcomes.

At Symbiosis Centre for Behavioural Sciences, our thrust is on transformative human research that benefits human welfare. Social welfare is in the fabric of the Symbian culture and SCBS holds this virtuous thought at the centre of its strategic plan. Collaborative research is an agenda of SCBS and we invite an outside-in approach for research, solving problems that are not only of academic interest but of societal relevance.

The centre is multi-disciplinary and encourages behavioural research from the various faculty within the university and also from its academic and industry partners. SCBS is equipped with state-of-the-art hardware and contemporary software to facilitate modern scientific research.

It is exciting to head this vibrant and socially relevant research center and I look forward to enthusiastic participation from both scholars and practitioners in this endeavor!

Dr. Aradhana Gandhi,
Professor in charge - Symbiosis Centre for Behavioural Sciences,
Professor Marketing and Retail - Symbiosis Institute of Business Management,
Email: aradhanagandhi@sibmpune.edu.in
Phone: 9850812309